Bloom Thyme Friday: A Glorious Morning Walk

This morning I had a most glorious walk through my garden! The drought is over and many of my roses and their companions in the garden think it is spring! I am looking over green grass, glossy rose leaves, reblooming perennials and even a few dandelions!

A view of the Potting Shed

As many of you know, the POTTING SHED (click for details) was a gift from my very handy husband. Well, last week he built more shelves, and now I have shelves on both sides of the window! I don’t even have them all filled yet. But here’s how they looks so far!

Many roses are blooming and many are filled with buds, so the next few weeks are going to be very nice!

I do believe this is the calm before the storm! The weatherman tells us that rain (lots and lots of rain) is on it’s way! He also tells us that July was the driest month on record and August very well may be the wettest August on record.

Morning Glories are so well named–don’t you think??? They are always a welcome sight to me!

I just can’t get enough of this Sunny Knockout rose. Rain or shine … this rose just keeps giving us beautiful blooms. These blooms have a sweet fragrance, plus I find they last and last in a vase!

Sunny Knockout

What’s blooming in your world today? Are you getting rain too?

3 thoughts on “Bloom Thyme Friday: A Glorious Morning Walk

  1. Sweet Teresa! The shelving looks great in your adorable potting shed. And hats off to all handy husbands, we love you! Your garden looks gorgeous just glowing despite the drought. Interesting weather patterns your having, I’ll be looking forward to seeing what transpires next in your lovely gardens. Thanks for the stroll.

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