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Potting Shed Review: Two New Books

As much as I love and look forward to spring, I do enjoy the slower pace of winter that comes after Christmas and allows more time for reading. Something warm to drink, a fire in the fireplace and a good book. Yes, I can do that while I wait for spring … just not too long!

I recently purchased two Christmas presents from me to me that are sure to make a big difference in my gardening experience this winter.

Book #1

Sleep, Creep and Leap by Benjamin Vogt!/BRVogt

First of all, don’t you just love the cover!

Benjamin Vogt is a poet, essayist, gardener and blogger.

This book is a memoir of three years in his garden. … beautifully and thoughtfully written.

On getting started he writes this,

“It’s late morning already, and we’ve finally made it to the new house. In two weeks we will move in, married on 7/7/7, but until then–and before the sod gets laid–my financee and I are here to spread mulch. 20 yards.”

I so get that! And, if you are a gardener, I suspect you do to. I look forward to having the time to dive into this book!

Book #2

Yes, You Can! by Daniel Gasteiger!/cityslipper)

My mother canned most everything we ate from the super huge garden we grew. She had an amazingly green thumb and hated to see anything go to waste.

I have her green thumb but don’t grow very many vegetables. I spend most of my gardening time  growing roses and their companions…. So, to date, I do not “can.”  Armed with Daniel’s encouragement and easy to use tips plus a few trips to my friendly farmer’s market, I plan to add canning to my 2012 list of things to do. I bet my mom will be smiling!

The pages of this book are amazing. Pictures and step by step instructions. When I asked Daniel about the book (we are Twitter friends), he said he wrote the book as though he was in the kitchen giving a demonstration. Looks easy…. wish me luck!

Do you have any encouraging words regarding canning?

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