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Bloom Thyme Friday: A Dreamy Start

The holidays are wonderful and I don’t want to miss a moment but December 26 starts the first phase of garden thyme. I’ve made peace with January by using it as my month to plot, to plan and to dream. Getting organized now is a game-changer for having more time to enjoy the busy spring to come. There is much to do…


Have you seen the David Austin 2022 handbook? Oh. My. Word. Every year this just gets better and better. If you did not receive one, click click here for a virtual version for you to enjoy.



The handbook calls this rose an “unfussy” rose with a medium to strong old rose fragrance. WIN! Growth habit is said to be a medium-size shrub with arching canes. Most of my David Austins grow quite large so it might be best to give them some space until you know. Just look at those ruffled petals. 🥰  You can find more information on this rose HERE.


“A pretty yet feisty rose of Scottish descent.” 💛💛💛  This healthy, robust rose is said to be a power bloomer all season long with a medium-strong fruity fragrance! It is also on the smaller side for an Austin — 3.5′ x 3.5′. Wasn’t it just last year that I said I need more yellow roses!?! You can find more information on this rose HERE.


January is also a great time to check out the National Garden Bureau’s “YEAR OF” plants. What a great way to get in-depth information on these varieties including history, growing tips, and many super fun facts! This year’s list is extra special as it has many of my favs! Click here to read all about them!


🌹If you haven’t been able to find the Garden Gate Magazine with the article about my garden – A Rose Lovers Retreat, here is a pdf for you. LINK

🎙 Rose Chat will start back very soon. I have some great guests lined up! If you need to catch up on last year’s shows, here’s a LINK.

As I write I am looking out my window at birds at our filling stations. Yesterday we even saw bluebirds! Woodpeckers are very plentiful. One Pileated Woodpecker is just huge and bent on feeder domination. Thanks, Mr. G for keeping the feeders filled with good stuff. We did not get the snow that so many of you did but our temps went from near 60 earlier in the week to 13 last night. Our prayers go out to those of you dealing with extreme situations – especially those who have lost power. Be safe!

I continue to find more Roses and Dahlias that I need but more on that later. 🙄

Friends, until next time, enjoy your time to plan, plot and DREAM.

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