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Bloom Thyme Friday: Waiting

Who’s good at waiting? Pardon me while I do NOT rush to raise my hand. Is there an emoji for that?? Well this one will work… 👎🏻

I’m not sure if my kids still remember much about the great stuff “we” learned from Mr. Rogers when they were little, but I sure haven’t forgotten many of them. During January we certainly find ourselves playing the waiting game on some of the fun things we want to do. It’s just a little too early for me to start filling the winter jugs with seeds or to start very many seeds. So I hum “Let’s think of something to do while we are waiting.” If you want to go down memory lane or need a pep talk on waiting, here is the man himself… LINK The link takes you to Fred Roger’s Facebook page… Good stuff!! Do you have a fav tune from “the neighborhood” ?

Seriously, I have plenty to do! I am still deep into going through the potting shed and deciding what I really need in there. This task is not easy as I want to toss everything because of the over crowding problem I have in the winter time. But my topiaries and other cuttings sure deserve their safe space even if it is less than the acceptible amount of “personal space” that is typically needed.


Yes, I am still organizing seeds and seed starting supplies. And making plans! And I did start a few seeds… Lisianthus seeds. (Voyage 2 BLue from Johnny’s.) They take a very long time to germinate and grow. The blooms are just the best in arrangements but they are known for making us wait a very long time for them. ⏳

For the first time I have made a list of everything I’m growing from seed and when it needs to be planted whether inside or out.💥This is going to be so helpful to me! Once the craziness starts I won’t have to think about it!


I am also updating my comprehensive list of roses. Who I have, how it did last year and any special things they might need this year.

And, I’m looking to see who needs a neighbor – yes I have roses coming that I am not sure where they are doing to fit. 🙄 🌹

These tasks are surely bolstered by looking at pictures from last year. They spur me on!


Mr. G and I are working on our plan of attack for the critters we know will come. I think we are going to put up some temporary fencing around our raised beds so the baby plants have a chance from the cats, squirrels, ground hogs, opossums, raccoons and deer. Yes, last year we had them all! They all “smiled” for the critter cam! I’ve also purchased some all mesh trash cans that will work well as protective cloches for some individual plants.

Obviously critters are a problem for many — yesterday the Gardener’s Supply catalog came and there were so many pages dedicated to critter and frost protection! Some excellent solutions!


I think record keeping is very important! Last year I had a “fancy” garden journal. Beautiful cover, cute illustrations, prompts for what to write about, calendar spaces, and stickers. It was great but I found I didn’t write in it as much as I should have. So this year I am going old school with a pencil and a plain brown notebook and I’m writing each day. Last year’s journal is being used as a prompt for the kind of info I do want to jot down and just for “pretty.” I love looking at it and it is a good record for the times I did write.  And, I bought stickers! 


If you are local, the Indianapolis Rose Society is having their annual sale. The roses we sell come potted and ready to bloom! In the past the plants have been some of the best I have ever seen. I keep hearing that roses are hard to come by for some so if you are interested…


As in the past, the roses will be available on a FIRST COME / FIRST SERVE basis, so don’t delay!
VIEW THE ROSE LIST FROM LINK BELOW…2022 IRS Rose Sale w_ final Substitutions FINALVIEW
To place orders or to get more information, contact us here.


IRS MEMBERS:David Austin: $33
All Other Roses: $28

NON MEMBERS:David Austin: $38
All Other Roses: $33

PAYMENT: Roses must be pre-paid. Contact us to make payment arrangements HERE.
PICKUP: Pickup will be sometime in April. Exact day/time/location to be determined at a later date

If you are interested in society membership, read on here.


The Indianapolis Rose Society welcomes Bill Kozemchak to talk about climbing roses. This is a Zoom meeting so I hope you can attend! For all the details, read on here


This time of year I do love to care for my houseplants. I will confess they get little of me the most of the time. This week my amaryllis is a show stopper and the orchid is primed and ready to bloom. Last year it bloomed for 5 months! I am starting a few things from cuttings and all’s right with the world when I have a sprig of something in water.

So if you need me, I’ll probably be drinking cofee, making lists and dreaming of warmer days.

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