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About Me

Clipboard in hand at the Biltmore International Rose Trials.

I know that to everything there is a season, but I’m a gardener and I start counting the days until spring the day after Christmas. I live and grow in Zone 5b where I care for BLOOM THYME COTTAGE GARDEN, my large garden of roses and their companions.

I am the co-host for the Rose Chat Podcast, a podcast on growing, showing and just about anything else in the world of roses. (You can find the archive of our podcasts here.)

I am an active member of the Indianapolis Rose Society currently serving as Website and Social Media Chair and the American Rose Society. I am also a master gardener and enjoy the many opportunities to learn and to help others grow!

Here are a few other things about me…

My blog tells of my adventures in the garden and in life, as well as promotes roses as an integral part of the landscape.

My very handy husband (the builder of fences, trellises, and my special potting shed) and I spend most of our free time tending our garden and caring for the birds, frogs and various other critters that join us.

I feel we are in great company because … “God almighty first planted a garden.” -Francis Bacon. Now the LORD God planted a garden in the east. …God took the Man and set him in the Garden of Eden to work the ground and keep it in order. Genesis 2

So, if you are interested in gardening, roses, flowers or if you find anything magical about dirt, I’d love to have you follow along.

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