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Bloom Thyme Friday: The Garden is Open

Welcome ... The Garden is Open
Welcome … The Garden is Open

The month of June has been filled with friends in the garden. Yesterday marked the final “official” tour that was planned. For most of the tours I was present and able to be the tour guide, but there were other days when the garden was “open” for select groups to come and enjoy while I was not here. On those days I just left ice and lemonade so they would feel welcome and feel they could linger.

It is amazing to see your garden through the eyes of others and to sometimes have the privilege of hearing their story.

Through this season …

I have had the privilege of seeing my precious grandson’s face as he got his first real look at the fish pond as I held him.

I have had the privilege of seeing the sparkle in the eyes of a 3 year old who picked a bokay to take home.

I have had the privilege of answering questions and sharing my garden stories with others.

I have had the privilege of seeing wonder in people’s eyes and hear them say, can you help me create a garden. (“Yes I can!” will always be the answer to that question.)  🙂

I have had the privilege of having a friend tell me, “You just don’t know how much I needed to get away and your garden was the perfect place for me.”

I have had the privilege of receiving texts while I was a state away from a friend I rarely get to see who was in my garden. She was texting me that she had found a little bit of heaven and was going to sit and relax for awhile.

And, the story that I will not soon forget is the note that I received from a friend who came on one of the “open” days. It went something like this…

My sister is going thru chemo and I was with her today as she received her treatment. Things have been difficult. Got your message (that the garden was open) and we stopped by. It was so what she needed today. We sat down and had a drink around your beautiful table and garden. It was like God had a plan that we would stop by. Thanks for the invite. Keep us in your prayers.

One of my greatest gifts from God has been to create and tend this garden — I always receive more than I give for my efforts.

My decision to have “open” days in the garden was a quick decision I made, not one I spent weeks planning. I am convinced that God placed the need for “open” days in the garden. My garden feeds my spirit every day. And, I can’t tell you how much it means to me to know that others found a bit of inspiration, joy, refreshment and maybe even respite here too.


I am happy to say that there has been no need to water the garden this week! But, the downside to all the rain is soggy blooms. Here are some blooms that stood up to the rain…

(Click on any picture to start the gallery display…)

Wishing you all the best in your world this week and …


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