Fun at a Plant Exchange

Tonight was the plant exchange at our local library. I decided to take miniature iris. I love my mini iris and wanted them to find good homes, so I decided to dress them up as cute as possible. I figured putting their best foot forward would help.

First up, I made names tags out of laminated pictures of them tied to twigs Mr. G cut from somewhere in the veriest back of our yard and secured them with twine!

The process…

Next was the digging and repotting. Once they were potted they got a good hardy splash of moopoo tea and were ready to be wrapped and tied with a twine (of course) bow. If you follow my blog, you know I have a “thing” for twine. (Click here to read about it.)

Getting their tonic of Moo Poo Tea…
Wouldn’t you want to take them home??

At the Exchange…

From herbs to tomatoes, hens & chicks to raspberry bushes, there was something for everyone. Our fearless leader, Colletta, introduced each plant while we made our decisions. Right off the bat I had my eye on a chocolate mint … but alas it was gone before I got to the table. I did come home with more hens and chicks and a super healthy start of purple liatris. As for my baby iris, they went home with some very lovely people!

Some of the nicest people in the world are gardeners and tonight at the plant exchange the room was filled with the nicest people!